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Year 3- Peridot

Welcome to Peridot Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Simpson  Teaching Assistant: Mrs Holsgrove

Dance Mat Typing


Today we have introduced a touch typing scheme to the children.  They have all spent some time on the website to familiarise themselves with it.  I have attached a link  below and would encourage you to support your children in spending some time improving their touch typing.


Happy typing!


Mrs Simpson :)

Have you been on Times Table Rock Stars today?


Did you know....?

  • Knowing your times table facts can help you to understand lots of other maths such as fractions, decimals, money, time & division!
  • If you can recall multiplication facts quickly when solving a problem you'll have more 'space' in your brain for reasoning!
  • 5 minutes a day on Times Table Rock Stars can help you remember those tricky tables and improve your score!